10月21日(周三)下午 2:30 |
派车在天麓酒店接港科大访湘团 |
董新汉陪同 |
10月21日(周三)下午 3:00-4:20 |
领导和港科大访湘团会谈 |
主持:向院长 |
10月21日(周三)下午 3:00-4:00, |
汪扬学术报告 Can Mathematics Solve Mysteries in Literature? |
主持:向院长 参加:教师、研究生,本科生 地点:一楼学术报告厅 |
10月21日(周三)下午 5:50-7:30点, |
中南大学招待餐, |
主持:向院长 |
10月21日(周三)下午 7:40-8:10点, |
中南大学送回天麓或湖南大学综合楼 |
董新汉陪同 |
10月21日(周三)晚上 8:30-9:30 |
汪扬给湖南大学本科生、研究生做报告 |
地点:湖大综合楼209室 主持:蒋院长 |
Can Mathematics SolveMysteries in Literature?
Abstract: There have been no shortages of controversies inliterature, from old questions such as whether Cao Xueqin wrote all 120chapters of "Dreams of Red Chamber", widely known as the greatestwork of Chinese literature, to new questions such as whether Obama actuallywrote his autobiography "Dreams From My Father". For mathematicians,it is interesting to ask whether mathematics can be used to settle thesecontroversies. In this talk, I will give an overview on how mathematics can beapplied to analyze the "style" of an author and the related field ofstudy called "stylometry". I will show that mathematics can be usedto almost definitively settle many such controversies.
Yang Wang
Head and Chair Professor
Department of Mathematics
Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, HK
+852 2358-7412