题目: Stable phase retrieval in infinite-dimensional spaces
报告人:成诚副教授 中山大学
摘要: Phase retrieval is widely used in optics, X-ray crystallography, holographic imaging and other applications, it is one of the new research topic in applied and computational harmonic analysis. In this talk, I will introduce some results on phase retrieval in shift-invariant spaces, and the stable phase retrieval in infinite-dimensional spaces. I will also introduce a new phase retrieval paradigm in the vector-valued setting, which is motivated by complex conjugate phase retrieval of vectors in the complex range space of a real matrix and functions in the complex Paley-Wiener space, and also by determination of a vector field defined on a graph from their relative magnitudes between neighboring vertices.
简介:成诚,2017年博士毕业于University of Central Florida(美国),师从Xin Li教授和Qiyu Sun教授,随后在Duke University (joint appointment with SAMSI)进行博士后研究,合作导师是I. Daubechies 院士,现为中山大学数学博彩app
副教授。成诚的研究方向是应用调和分析,其在相位恢复和图信号的分布式处理以及采样理论等方面展开了系统的研究,截至目前共发表论文二十余篇,包括Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal.,J. Funct. Anal., J. Fourier Anal. Appl.,IEEE Trans. Signal Process.,Signal Process.,IEEE Trans Signal Inf. Process. Netw.等。目前主持国自然基金面上项目一项,广东省自然基金面上项目一项,以第二完成人获得广东省科学技术奖自然科学二等奖。