
Xinyuan Song教授学术报告

发布时间:2024年09月02日 作者:王洪   阅读次数:[]

报告题目: Joint Modeling of Longitudinal Imaging and Survival Data



报告人: Xinyuan Song (香港中文大学)

报告摘要: This study considers a joint modeling framework for simultaneously examining the dynamic pattern of longitudinal and ultrahigh-dimensional images and their effects on the survival of interest. A functional mixed effects model is considered to describe the trajectories of longitudinal images. A high-dimensional functional principal component analysis is adopted to extract the principal eigenimages to reduce the ultrahigh dimensionality of imaging data, and a Cox regression model is used to examine the effects of the longitudinal images and other risk factors on the hazard. A theoretical justification shows that a naive two-stage procedure that separately analyzes each part of the joint model produces biased estimation even if the longitudinal images have no measurement error. We develop a Bayesian joint estimation method coupled with efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling schemes to perform statistical inference for the proposed joint model. A dynamic prediction procedure is proposed to predict the future survival probabilities of subjects given their historical longitudinal images. The proposed model is assessed through extensive simulation studies and an application to Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, which holds the promise of accuracy and possesses higher predictive capacity for survival outcomes than existing methods.

报告人简历: Xinyuan Song is a full professor at the Department of Statistics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is currently a Changjiang Scholar Chair Professor awarded by the Education Ministry of China, IMS Fellow, and ISI elected member. Her research interests include latent variable models, Bayesian methods, survival analysis, nonparametric and semiparametric methods, and statistical computing. She serves/served as an associate editor for multiple international journals in Statistics and Psychometrics, including Biometrics, Electronic Journal of Statistics, Canadian Journal of Statistics, Statistics and Its Interface, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Psychometrika, Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal. In addition, she will serve as an associate editor for Journal of the American Statistical Association and Statistics in Medicine.

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