

发布时间:2024年07月23日 作者:   阅读次数:[]

报告题目:Animal Shapes, Modal Analysis, and Applications

报告人:陈巩教授(Texas A&M University in College Station)


报告地点:博彩app(简体中文)版本 145会议室

报告摘要:Do you believe that the shapes of animals can significantly affect their motion patterns and behaviors?

In this talk, we will use continuum mechanics, especially the linear elastodynamic equations, as a basic model for living creatures such as human beings, horse, camel, duck, goose, eagle and dinosaurs, and analyze their eigenmodes of motion.

This type of analysis, called modal analysis, has never been done for living animals. Our modal analysis emphasizes dynamics, which is achieved by visualization through video animation by incorporating the time-harmonic dependence of the eigenmodes. Furthermore, we intend our modal analysis to be more realistic by encompassing the situation of the presence of a floor. Certain physical interpretations of the motion patterns from modal analysis are made. In addition, by visualization, one can see that symmetry and conservation laws play important roles in animals' motions. One of our main conclusions is that shapes alone can usefully reflect or explain some animal’s behaviors or motion patterns.

From such an understanding, we then further study how to use modal analysis to help produce animation films for the extinct T-Rex dinosaurs, Application of artificial intelligence to such film-production will also be shown.

报告人简介:陈巩教授,1977年获得University of Wisconsin at Madison数学博士学位。现任Texas A&M University in College Station大学数学与航天工程系教授和量子研究院成员。其研究方向主要包括:偏微分方程控制理论,偏微分方程的数值解和边界元法,工程力学,混沌动力学,量子计算,化学物理和量子力学等。发表学术论文170余篇,出版学术专著7本。现任国际数学期刊JMAA主编,曾任Chapman & Hall/CRC出版社应用数学与非线性科学丛书主编(2002-2011),还担任过多个国际学术期刊的编委,包括SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization;International Journal of Quantum Information;Physica Scripta和Electronic Journal of Differential Equations等。

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